Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Little Wrightie.

Image of "Li'l Wrightie" waving to the camera. This was taken at our 20 week ultrasound a couple of weeks ago - I know I'm a bit slow, but I had to work out how to get the shot onto this page, as I've said before, I'm a technological peasant!!
Anyway, for those of you who have seen these types of pictures before, you will probably find it pretty easy to see the face of our 1st child. It definitely has the Wright nose - with a knob on the end of it - (thanks to Mum's side of the family - which technically makes it a Watters nose I guess). The left hand is slightly in front of the face and that's the umbilical chord across the chest. For those of you looking at something like this for the first time, well, it probably looks like an experiment in a petrie dish as seen through a microscope! Fungal spores perhaps? - Don't ever tell our kid that I once referred to it as "fungal spores" please!
I have to say, it's pretty bloody amazing this ultrasound stuff. Seeing the child's heart beating really gives you a start - "Oh cripes; this is for real!!" Talk about warm and fuzzy. Measurements of bones etc being taken in front of your eyes whilst the information on the screen about delivery dates etc updates continually with each measurement taken, is a pretty cool thing to watch. A close up of the valves in the heart working away and even a colour coded, live action show of the blood pumping through the chambers is mesmerising.
An update on Cat - she is getting slightly bigger by the day and has officially reached the wardrobe crisis point - stuff aint fitting anymore! She is having fun determining what Li'l Wrightie enjoys in the food stakes, as movement inside the belly seems to increase or decrease depending what's been put into her mouth. The comment of "oh, that went down well!" as she inspects her expanding tum after a mouthful of something obviously yummy, makes me chuckle.
On the whole, I reckon she is enjoying the experience. But, as everybody keeps telling us "oh yeah, it's easy now, but you'll see...." with a glint of knowing evil in their eye!
Stay tuned.


Adam said...

well 'lil wrightie looks well contented sitting in there enjoying the ride. Of course, thats what got started it all in the first place.... you enjoying the ride... oh.. too far??

Anyway, who is winning the battle of the bulge... you or the bride?

Anonymous said...

Yee Tone! Put yer money where your mouth is and start the 2007 ogato challenge!